Ribbon Cutting for Sea Island Apartments Purchase

Sea Island Apartments, John’s Island, SC

Sea Island Apartments, John’s Island, SC


December 2, 2019

Contact: Patrick King, Co-Executive Director, Charleston Redevelopment Corporation - (843) 720-3844

On Wednesday December 11, 2019 at 11:00 am Charleston Redevelopment Corporation (CRC) will host a Ribbon Cutting to mark the new ownership of the Sea Island Apartments complex. The event will be held at 3672 Maybank Highway, Johns Island, SC 29455. Mayor John Tecklenburg and Councilmember Marvin Wagner will be the guest speakers.

The CRC is a non-profit initiative of the City of Charleston, the Housing Authority of the City of Charleston, and the Historic Charleston Foundation. The CRC focuses on the development and maintenance of affordable housing in the Charleston area and helps secure local, state and national funding for long-term housing affordability. The CRC also administers the Palmetto Community Land Trust program, a novel approach to develop and enhance long-term affordability in ownership and rental housing in the Charleston area. The CRC’s mission is to increase the supply of affordable rental and for-sale housing and maximize long term affordability through investments and a revolving loan fund program. CRC board members include representatives of the City of Charleston, the Historic Charleston Foundation, the City of Charleston Housing Authority, the Charleston Trident Urban League, and the Eastside Community Development Corporation, among other institutions and community organizations.

Sea Island Apartments is a 48-unit affordable rental complex for families in the low to moderate income levels. The complex will be maintained in the CRC’s Palmetto Community Land Trust program. It is the first CRC acquisition. The CRC’s acquisition of the complex helps ensure the units remain an affordable housing option in the Charleston community.

For more information, please contact Patrick King at (843) 720-3844 or kingp@charleston-sc.gov. The CRC website is https://www.palmettoclt.org/.